CPB Contractors’ sustainability approach is about ensuring the long-term success of our projects, people, communities and ecosystems by integrating environmental, social, economic and governance factors into our decision-making.
From design to construction, we work closely with our clients and partners to deliver environmentally responsible and resource-efficient projects that will enhance people's lives for generations to come.

We are working to achieve sustainability outcomes across focus areas:
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: reducing emissions to minimise the climate impact of our operations.
Sustainable Design: designing through a lens of resilience, adaptability and efficiency to future-proof assets and reduce environmental impacts.
Sustainable Construction: utilising sustainable resources, minimising waste and managing our construction activities to minimise impact and enhance the natural environment.
Community Legacy: embracing the opportunities our projects provide to engage with the community and leave a positive legacy.
Workforce Legacy and Safety: nurturing talent, diversity, inclusion and well-being across our organisation to develop a high-performing, safe and sustainable workforce that is equipped to deliver world-leading projects.

Our environmental sustainability targets:
- 20% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2025, from a 2019 base
- Net zero Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2038
- Net zero Scope 3 emissions by 2045
- 90% of project waste diverted from landfill (excl. contaminated waste)
- 10% of project water recycled/reused

Our net zero approach:
- Avoid unnecessary energy or material use
- Reduce emissions by using efficient and low-emission equipment
- Replace high-emission materials and energy with low-emission and renewable alternatives
- Offset emissions by purchasing carbon credits
Scope 1 emissions: primarily from fuels we consume.
Scope 2 emissions: primarily from the electricity we consume.
Scope 3 emissions: the indirect emissions associated with our activities, including material manufacturing, waste disposal, transport and travel.

Our circular economy approach:
- Avoid activities that generate unnecessary waste
- Replace raw materials with recycled alternatives
- Reuse and recover construction and demolition waste
- Recycle waste and materials
As a member of the CIMIC Group, CPB Contractors recognises the global commitment of governments and businesses to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all peoples enjoy peace and prosperity.